Edens Zero Wiki

The following is a Timeline listing events both depicted and mentioned in Hiro Mashima's Edens Zero. So far, it is notably sparse, overly wordy and lacks a canonical date system, but these details will be cleaned up as more information becomes available.

Edens Zero Timeline
Date Events
~X392 The Granbell Kingdom theme park on the planet of Granbell goes out of business. The humans who built it abandon it, leaving its robotic population to rot.[1]
Unknown date The Demon King's Four Shining Stars is created by Ziggy.[2]

Ziggy tries to find Mother but without success.[3]

The Demon King's Four Shining Stars goes on each their journeys. Witch stays on Edens Zero.[4]

E.M. Pino is created by Ziggy.[5]

Happy gets into an accident and is made a machine by Weisz Steiner.[6][7]

Valkyrie takes Homura as her disiple and teaches her Soul Blade[8]

Drakken Joe turns Guilst into a rogue planet.[9]

X482 Ziggy takes Shiki to Granbell.[10]

Sister Ivry is trapped in a church's basement by Sister who also steals her powers.[11]

Unknown date Mosco is rebuilt as one of Sister's soldiers.[12]
X492 The events of Edens Zero begin in this year.
Rebecca & Happy visit Granbell to film for Aoneko, their B-Cube channel.[13]

Rebecca meets Shiki and they become friends through a long "introduction".[14]

The robots of Granbell acts weird to make Shiki go into space.[15]

The robots of Granbell shuts down.[16]

A Dragon informs Mother that Shiki went into space.

Shiki arrives on Blue Garden.[17]

Elsie Crimson is informed of Shiki's departue from Granbell and begins to look for him.[18]

Unknown date A Chronophage nears Norma, and some people flee from the planet.[19]

The Chronophage eats 50 years of Norma's time.[20]

X492 Rebecca gives Shiki a last name, Granbell after his home, as he joins the Shooting Starlight Guild.[21]

Rebecca, Shiki & Happy leaves Blue Garden in order to get to Norma, and Elsie arrives in the guildhall, looking for Shiki.[22]

The gang arrives on Norma not knowing of Chronophage's visit.[23]

Rebecca, Shiki & Happy arrives at Weisz's House and discovers a young version of professor Weisz.[24]

Shiki defeats a member of Sibir's Gang and Weisz flees with a case.[25]

Rebecca discovers and explains that they are on Norma 50 years in the past.[26]

Rebecca & Shiki becomes enemies of Sibir.[27]

Shiki, Rebecca & Happy meets Weisz at a bar, and the case is revealed to hold a little robot.[28]

The little robot introduces herself as E.M. Pino.[29]

Pino is revealed to have EMP.[30]

Pino runs away when Sibir is mentioned.[31]

Rebecca & Shiki attacks Sibir's Gang while Weisz kidnaps Pino (and Happy).[32]

Shiki, Rebecca, Pino & Weisz defeats Sibir's Gang.[33]

Shiki, Rebecca, Happy & Pino flees from Norma on the Aqua Wing.[34]

Weisz makes the fleeing successful by using his Machina Maker and now he is the owner of the Aqua Wing.[35]

The Aqua Wing gets captured by Elsie's Skull Fairy.[36]

X492 Shiki successfully defeats a Kawpicatt S4 who are using the genes of Elsie.[37]

Elsie Crimson hands over the Skull Fairy to Shiki.[38]

The Skull Fairy flees from a battle between the space pirates and the Interstellar Union Army.[39]

Witch of the Demon King's Four Shining Stars awakens from her slumber.[40]

X492 Witch joins the crew.[41]

Witch restores the Skull Fairy to its true form, Edens Zero.[42]

Shiki becomes the new Demon King.[43]

The crew arrives on Blue Garden, and Weisz leaves said crew.[44]

Shiki and Jinn battles while Labilia records on the side line.[45]

Jinn retires from the battle and return to Guilst.[46]

Rebecca is kidnapped by the mercenary squad Rogue Out alongside other B-Cubers.[47][48]

Shiki, Pino & Witch takes Happy and the Edens Zero to space in order to save Rebecca on Guilst.[49]

Weisz and Homura Kōgetsu joins the Edens Zero's crew.[50]

Rebecca arrives in Illega Tower.[51]

Edens Zero arrives on Guilst.[52]

The crew arrives at Rogue Out HQ where they encounter Sister.[53]

Rogue Out attacks the crew. Homura and Weisz stay to battle them, while Shiki and Pino leave to find Rebecca.[54]

Mosco returns to Rogue Out HQ.[55]

Rebecca manage to escape the chamber she is trapped in thanks to the other B-Cubers.[56]

Illega gets a hold of Rebecca.[57]

Rebecca gets free agian thanks to Shiki.[58]

All the other B-Cubers are set free thanks to Pino's EMP.[59]

Shiki battles Jinn once more.[60]

Weisz uses Million Bullets to defeat Mosco the moment he arrives.[61]

Witch discovers a Chronophage on its way to Guilst.[62]

Sister & Ganoff join Jinn in his batlle against Shiki.[63]

Rebecca leaves the other B-Cubers to look for Copa who is missing.[64]

Weisz & Homura goes to the basement of Rogue HQ and finds Sister Ivry.[65]

Weisz uses his Ether Gear to free Sister Ivry from a machine.[66]

Rebecca defeats Illega who holds Copa hostage.[67]

Shiki defeats Jinn & Ganoff.[68]

Sister Ivry defeats Sister by kicking her in the face.[69]

Sister Ivry uses her Dispel Driver to restore all the petrified girls in Illega Tower to normal.[70]

Jinn crushes Sister's face under his foot.[71]

Rebecca is reunited with the crew.[72]

Shiki lands the crew on Edens Zero and they leave Guilst.[73]

The Chronophage eats 1200 years of Guilst's time.[74]

Mosco rejoins Edens Zero's crew.[12]

Rebecca becomes well-known on Blue Garden because she helped famous B-Cubers and they tell journalists about her.[75]

Hermit is found on Iron Hill and is brought into Edens Zero but her heart is in Digitalis.[76]

The crew but Witch, Sister Ivry and Mosco goes to Digitalis in order to safe Hermit's soul.[77]

The crew locate one-another in Digitalis.[78]

The group slipts up in Drimille and asks about Hermit's whereabouts.[79]

Edens Zero gets hacked by unknown people.[80]

The crew meets a monster in the woods of Digitalis who tells them about Jamilov.[81]

Shiki & co. arrives in Crysta and meets Jamilov for the first time while he is murdering some people.[82]

Far Future
~20,000 Years after X442 On Norma, two astronauts find the corpses of two people who seem to be Shiki and Rebecca, as well as a cube with 'Edens Zero' scratched onto it.[83]

  1. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 1, Page 41
  2. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 15, Page 15
  3. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 13, Page 16
  4. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 16, Page 7
  5. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 11, Page 18
  6. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 2, Page 41
  7. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 3, Page 27
  8. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 28, Page 11
  9. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 28, Pages 21-22
  10. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 1, Page 29
  11. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 26, Page 6
  12. 12.0 12.1 Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 28, Page 17
  13. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 1, Page 7
  14. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 1, Pages 13-23
  15. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 1, Pages 74-75
  16. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 1, Pages 76-78
  17. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 2, Page 9
  18. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 2, Pages 50-51
  19. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 11, Pages 16-17
  20. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 11, Page 11
  21. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 3, Page 22
  22. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 3, Pages 27-30
  23. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 4, Page 3
  24. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 4, Pages 11-15
  25. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 5, Pages 5-7
  26. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 5, Pages 11-16
  27. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 6, Pages 3-4
  28. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 6, Pages 14-20
  29. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 7, Page 3
  30. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 7, Pages 3-4
  31. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 7, Pages 6-7
  32. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 8, Pages 8-12
  33. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 10, Page 9
  34. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 10, Page 15
  35. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 11, Pages 6-12
  36. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 11, Pages 21-23
  37. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 14, Pages 2-4
  38. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 14, Page 5
  39. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 14, Page 16
  40. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 14, Pages 19-20
  41. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 15, Pages 15-16
  42. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 15, Pages 17-19
  43. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 15, Page 20
  44. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 16, Page 13
  45. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 18, Page 2
  46. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 18, Page 12
  47. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 18, Page 15
  48. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 18, Page 20
  49. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 19, Page 1
  50. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 19, Page 15
  51. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 20, Page 2
  52. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 20, Page 10
  53. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 20, Pages 16-20
  54. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 21, Pages 4-14
  55. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 22, Pages 6-7
  56. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 22, Pages 11-12
  57. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 22, Page 17
  58. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 23, Page 2
  59. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 23, Page 7
  60. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 23, Page 8
  61. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 23, Page 16
  62. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 23, Page 20
  63. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 24, Page 10
  64. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 24, Pages 14-16
  65. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 24, Pages 19-20
  66. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 26, Page 3
  67. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 25, Page 18
  68. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 25, Page 19
  69. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 26, Pages 8-9
  70. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 26, Pages 12-13
  71. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 26, Page 17
  72. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 27, Page 8
  73. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 27, Pages 16-19
  74. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 27, Page 20
  75. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 29, Pages 14-15
  76. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 30, Pages 1-9
  77. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 30, Pages 14-19
  78. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 31, Pages 3-8
  79. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 31, Pages 15-16
  80. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 32, Page 4
  81. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 32, Page 9
  82. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 32, Pages 13-15
  83. Edens Zero Manga: Chapter 4, Pages 17-19